Are you longing to break free from the pain

of loss, betrayal or your last breakup?

.....And ready to learn how to build the life you know you DESERVE?

Questions? email:

Isn't it time to stop wondering when the hurt will

stop and enjoy the FREEDOM that you


You don't have to carry the pain of the past with you. It's time to put the past in the past and

move forward without the pain of heartache and betrayal.

YES! You can dare to hope for a brighter future.

You can finally experience joy when you are able to release the pain that emotional baggage can bring.

But it requires one thing from you.....

In order to seek healing, you first need to make the conscious decision to choose change.

Once this commitment is made, you can be focused on healing what needs to be healed. You can avoid the hamster wheel that causes pain over and over. And you can finally experience what it feels like to thrive emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

And yet, so often when we're hurting, we give up because we think it's too hard to let go of the pain.

Past breakups have hurt us.

Betrayal has made it hard for us to trust again.

We don't know how we're supposed to just "let it go."

"Betrayal can be extremely painful, but it's up to you how much that pain damages you permanently"

Emilly V.Gordon

Do you believe you can have a fulfilling life again?

Do you have faith that, even though you might be stuck in routines that contribute to your hurt now, you can bring true excitement back to your life? you know HOW to get past the hurt?

Ask yourself.......

  • Am I currently stuck in a world of hurt?

  • Do I wonder if I'll ever feel different?

  • Am I doing all I can to let the pain go?

  • Would my life be better if I knew how to "Free myself from Heartache, breakup & Betrayal"?

Happiness is for everyone. Including you! Don't believe the lies that keep us down.

Lies like these:

  • "You'll always have some emotional baggage to carry around"

  • "You can't ever get over loss"

  • "I've never been around anyone who was truly happy"

  • "Happiness doesn't last"

  • "Everyone cheats now, why even bother...."

Those ideas are just plain wrong.

We desperately want to find the happiness we deserve, without dwelling on the past.

We know we need to break through the doldrums of routines that have kept us stuck in our pain. We need to figure out why we've lost hope for the future and how to get it back.

But we don't know how.

We're held back by lies and pain.

But what if there were a solution?

A way to break out of our pain, understand how to leave the past in the past, know how wonderful we really are, keep the hope alive and CONFRONT our feelings of loss?

Now there is.........


Free Yourself From Heartache, Breakup & Betrayal

The step-by-step process to go from pain to freedom, so we can conquer the routines that keep us stuck in our pain

and discover how to let go and soar.

This powerful course contains 13 lessons that lead you on a step-by step journey of healing from your emotional pain. A journey of figuring out how to move past the pain, rediscover how wonderful you really are, and overcome the obstacles to a life free from emotional pain.

A journey to the exciting life you deserve.

In this life-changing course, you'll learn:

  • The SUPRISING ways you can work with the chemistry of your body to stop the negative effects of loss.

  • How to OVERCOME the myth that happiness is only for the few

  • How o ELIMINATE negative emotional programming from your trauma

  • How to PREPARE yourself for a bright future

  • Techniques to MOVE from pain to freedom

  • How to ACCEPT what happened without feeling the pain

  • How to DETERMINE what you need to heal

  • How to identify CHALLENGES to your healing journey

  • STRATEGIES to leave the pain behind

  • And so much more!

This powerful journey could

absolutely change your life.

In 20 years, you could look back on today as the day you finally realised you were capable of changing your thoughts, feelings and behaviour

To be free to build the life you truly want

When you stopped being held back by your routines, discouraged because you didn't understand how to move past the pain, and developed the fulfilling life you were DESTINED to have.

This is your moment.

Your door to an exciting life free from the pain of heartache, breakup & betrayal.

The key to the cage has been given to you. You can either open the cage or throw it away.

It's your choice. Will you be free or chained to pain?

You could try to learn all of this on your own, but it would require hours, upon hours of reading and research.

You wouldn't have the guidance of an expert.

And you wouldn't really know if you were making progress.

Or you could be taken by the hand and guided on this life changing journey.

Which will it be?

There are 3 modules with 13 total lessons

The Modules are:

  • Module 1 - Why it's so hard to let go of the pain

  • Module 2 - Understanding forgiveness

  • Module 3 - Strategies to let the pain go.

And here's what we're going to cover:

Lesson #1 - Understanding What Happens Emotionally

When you've been hurt by someone, there is more to the pain than "just" the one event. Emotions are a mish-mash of what has happened in the past, your pain in the present, your fears of the future, and your interpretation of what the event means about you

In this lesson, you'll learn about the emotional responses that intensify your pain, so you can reduce it.

Lesson #2 - Understanding What Happens Physically

Your body has chemical reactions which make releasing the past difficult. Your emotions trigger parts of your brain and the body's stress response, increasing the difficulty. This lesson shows you that your emotional pain also has a physical cause and difficulty releasing it isn't a weakness of character.

Lesson #3 - Understanding What Happens Mentally

In this lesson, you'll look at what happens with your thoughts and how you process information. Understanding the process is key to understanding how you can change your thoughts to help you let go of your pain.

Lesson #4 - Module 1 Summary and Reflection

You now know that there are things you can do to counteract the mental, emotional and physical effects of your pain. It's time to reflect on what you've learned, as well as think through how you're going to implement these things in your life.

Lesson #5 - What Forgiveness is Not

Many people are resistant to forgiveness because they don't understand what forgiveness is. There are many myths surrounding forgiveness, and this lesson shows you why they aren't true. You';; also see that the key to healing is releasing the anger and resentment surrounding the event.

Lesson #6 - What Forgiveness Is

Very simply, forgiveness is FREEDOM. Freedom from having what happened always on your mind. Freedom from the anger and fear. Freedom from having to grit your teeth when you see them. In this lesson, you'll learn the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits of forgiving and the power it brings you.

Lesson #7 - Module 2 Summary and Reflection

In this lesson, you'll reflect on all that you've learned about forgiveness and the power that it brings you. Now it's time to think about how you're going to put your new understanding into practice.

Lesson #8 - Recognise how Powerful You Are

You have everything within you that you need to learn how to release the pain and forgive. You are more powerful than you ever thought you were. All you need to do is access the power and bring it forward. This lesson teaches you how.

Lesson #9 -Align Your Beliefs to Release Pain

In this lesson you'll learn to align your beliefs to your goal of releasing all that pain. You'll do this by giving direct messages to your subconscious mind. This lays the foundation for the other exercises which follow.

Lesson #10 - Think Your Way to Freedom

In this lesson you'll learn strategies to control your thoughts as well as a powerful 'trick' to command you into thinking what you want.

Lesson #11 - Tame the Pain

Most people are surprised when they learn they can change emotions. Sometimes it seems emotions "just appear". They are actually triggered. You have the power and ability to tame those painful emotions. This lesson shows you how.

Lesson #12 - Changing Behaviour

Your actions can assist in your goal to release the past or they can hold the past firmly in place. It's crucial to be aware of what behaviours trigger the emotional pain. Once you know your triggers stay away from them. In this lesson, you'll learn to identify your triggers and put new behaviours in place to stop you from living that pain over and over.

Lesson #13 - Module 3 Summary and


In this module , you've learned tools and strategies which assist in changing the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours which keep you in pain. As you use the strategies in this module, you'll find the pain lessening. Your mind will clear, and you can focus on what's important to you. You'll be able to move into your new future.

Normally, live in-person sessions would cost £780 for these 13 lessons,

and my digital course like this costs £275

But today, you're going to get access to this entire life-changing program for

only £79

And you'll get the entire "Free Yourself From Heartache, Breakup and Betrayal" system:

  • 13 Lessons to lead you on the journey to true love (£275 value)

  • Additional resources, reflections, and affirmations to help you apply and implement what you've learned (£99 value)

  • 3 module quizzes to empower you to remember the key points (£99 value)

  • A thorough understanding of what you need to do to to let go of your pain and find the freedom you deserve (PRICELESS)

Finally, you're going to.......

  • Let NOTHING stop you from letting go of your emotional trauma

  • PURSUE the life you've been longing for

  • Overcome ALL the negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviours that have held you back.

  • FINALLY learn to work through the emotional challenges of your loss

  • Learn what YOU want from your life.

  • STOP putting it off and RELEASING the pain today.

Isn't it time to embrace the love you deserve?

To enjoy the freedom you know you deserve?

The choice is yours

Regular £275

Today only £79


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About the Instructor

I started my journey 20 years ago when our family business closed, and I looked for an alternative way to help with the heartache of losing something that was such a big part of our lives.

I trained as a Hypnotherapist and Relationship coach so that I had all the tools I needed to help others.

I have helped hundreds of my clients to create a more positive life, leave hurt in the past, understand relationships, find new love, increase their self-worth and confidence, reduce anxiety and stress, and move forward into a better future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there requirements or prerequisites for this course?

There are no prerequisites for this course. It's open to anyone who desires to know more about how to release the pain of the past.

Your success in this course depends on your ability to put the information into action. The information is simple, but understanding the information is insufficient. You have to be willing to do the exercises and implement the strategies in your life.

What Benefits will I receive from this course?

  • You'll learn why releasing the past is difficult and what you can do to make it easier for yourself.

  • You'll learn the emotional, mental, and physical causes of your pain.

  • You'll discover misconceptions about forgiveness.

  • You'll receive specific strategies and exercises to assist you in letting go of your pain and moving forward toward the life you want.

Is there a particular audience that this course is geared toward?

This course is geared toward those who are tired of hurting from broken relationships, betrayal, and loss and are ready to take action to release that pain.

Remember for only £79 you're getting

  • 13 lessons to lead you on the journey to Freeing you from emotional pain. (£275)

  • Additional resources, reflections, and affirmations to help you apply and implement what you've learned (£99)

  • 3 module quizzes to empower you to remember the key points (£99 value)

  • A thorough understanding of what you need to do to let go of your pain and find the freedom you deserve (PRICELESS)

Your new life of freedom is waiting for you!

You can finally look forward to a brighter future.

You can have the happiness YOU deserve


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