Matchmaker and Dating Coach in Worcestershire and surrounding areas

A Chance to Find Love through Choice Not Algorithms

  • Are you single and over 50?

  • Are you finding dating apps are like looking through a catalogue then picking the best only to find when you 'try them out' the description and picture didn't represent what you were looking for and they are broken and you need to return them?

  • Have you ever been subject to a dating scammer or gone on a few dates only to be ghosted?

  • Are you wondering if there are any decent single people left out there?

  • Do you tell your friends that the goods ones are already taken.?

  • Have you signed back up to a dating site only to find it's still the same people from years ago?

Qualified Matchmaker


Dating Coach

Where are all the singles over 50?

When we were young and single it seemed so easy to meet someone. You could walk into a pub or club with your mates if someone was single they would ask you on a date and suddenly you were in a relationship.

It doesn't seem to work like that over 50, who even knows who is single in a pub, would we even have the courage to approach someone and ask them on a date fearing their partner has just popped to the loo and is going to suddenly appear and give you what for because you chatted up their partner.

What are our options for meeting someone over 50? and I'm guessing if you are reading this you have exhausted all the options anyway.

There are those who choose to leave it to fate " when the times right Mr or Mrs Right will just appear" how many times have you heard your friends say that?

The majority of us choose to sign up for online dating where we hide behind our computers or phones, sitting there in our comfies swiping yes or no and there's always that one that you swipe left only to realise you were in autopilot and they could've been perfect but there's no going back unless you want to pay a premium to reverse your rejection pile.

So what are our options?

  • Wait for fate to come along

  • Go to a supermarket on singles night - yep its a thing

  • Join a Salsa or dance class

  • Join a Gym

  • Go to charity events

  • Borrow someone's dog and meet other dog walkers

  • Become a volunteer and meet other people

  • Singles events

  • Sign up for online dating

  • Hire a Matchmaker to find singles for you

Why Choose a Matchmaker?

Seems a bit old fashioned right?

Matchmakers have been around since the fourth century.
During the Victorian era (1837-1901), formal matchmaking agencies began to emerge, catering primarily to the upper classes.

You would think that now we have online dating Matchmakers would be redundant but it's actually the other way round. Who can choose their happy ever after from a photo?

To most of us finding our soul mate or Mr Right or Mrs Right are top of our list of things that would make us happy and I whole heartedly agree. Being loved and loving someone really is the most amazing feeling. Online dating does work for some don't get me wrong but it's not for everyone.

Reasons to choose a Matchmaker

  • Safety - all our clients are met in personal and ID checked to make sure they are who they say they are

  • Confidentiality - There are many people out there who do not want to be seen by thousand of people online. It might be due to their job or it might just be that they don't want everyone to know they are single. Matchmaking opens up a whole new database of singles.

  • Saves time - how many hours do you spend swiping left and right? A matchmaker finds out what your preferences are and does the work for you.

  • Saves money - Whaaat? How? well have you ever sat down and worked out how much money you have spent over the years on dating app subscriptions only to be here now wondering where you are going to find your ideal partner?

  • All our clients are committed to finding a lasting relationship

  • Feedback - Once you have been on a date we contact both of you to find out how the date went and give any feedback.

  • Personal touch - Matchmakers are like your best friend who wants to see you happy in a relationship and will do everything they can to find someone who you will be happy with.

  • Expert dating advice - Relationship and Dating coach advice from someone who has been there and knows your pain.

  • Dating Coaching - We can help with confidence in dating, letting go of the past, healing from heartbreak, understanding relationships, body language when dating and much more.

  • We have a network of stylists, photographers and coaches to create a new you.

About Me

Relationship and Dating Coach and Matchmaker

After suddenly finding myself single after 23 years of marriage I became a serial dater with no idea what I was doing. I had low self esteem and zero confidence. 250 miles away from my family and friends I signed up for online dating and couldn't understand why I was being told I had a lovely smile. After many mistakes, no regrets and a pocket full of men friends rather than a boyfriend I decided to train as a relationship and dating coach to help all those in the same boat as me. I began helping clients to get over heartache, understand relationships and become more confident to date again. When I reached the ripe old age of 50, no longer a 40s single woman I realised I had dropped off the radar and that dating over 50 was another story That's when life became exciting, I decided to train as a matchmaker and give my clients the chance to find love through choice not algorithms.

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Rigby Ln, Bromsgrove B60 2EW, UK
Approved ABIA member

The Association of British Introduction Agencies
is a dating agency association set up at the instigation of the government in 1981 to protect consumers. Introduction, Dating and Matchmaking agencies that are approved members of the ABIA adhere to a strict Code of Practice.

Solutions for Success Ltd T/A Co. Reg. 09634524

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